The School Governors make important decisions about how the school is run. They meet all together at least once every term with smaller committees meeting once a term.
Our Governors represent different groups of people who are interested in our school - parents, staff, All Saints church, and the community.
Ethos Statement
Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.
The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.
The governing body has 14 members and is made up of:
- 2 parent governors
- 1 authority governor
- 1 staff governor
- 1 headteacher
- 6 co-opted governors
- 3 foundation governors
Chair of Governors: Mrs Alison Moxham
Contact: Via clerk
Governors Details
The governing body has the following committees:
Chair: Mr Robert Collins
Responsibilities include financial, staffing and legal aspects.
Chair: Rev Hannah Boyd
Responsibilities include monitoring of academic results, quality of education, pupils' personal development, behaviour and welfare, and spiritual, social, moral and cultural development