Our vision for DT is to develop

  • successful learners who achieve their potential in DT
  • confident individuals who develop creative, technical and practical expertise to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
  • responsible and spiritual citizens who develop confidence and resilience, considering their own and others’ needs and values in order to design and make products that make a difference in the world
  • active engagement, drawing on appropriate outside expertise to enhance our DT curriculum, eg Fiver challenge

DT is part of every child’s broad, balanced curriculum; our curriculum fulfils the requirements of the national curriculum, providing a framework of objectives identifying the key knowledge, concepts and skills to be taught enabling pupils to design, make and evaluate a range of products, and learn principles of nutrition and cooking. 

In EYFS, our planning is based on the statutory framework, focusing on developing children’s ability to create with a range of tools and materials.  In Key Stage 1 and 2 our DT provision is part of our "Learning Means the World" thematic curriculum, mapped and planned effectively through a rolling 2 year cycle.

Our curriculum is enriched with

  • theme afternoons including with food technology eg Bonfire Night, World Book Day
  • charity fundraising such as the fiver challenge, raising money for children’s chosen charities
  • forest school activities eg using bowsaws, drills and knives
  • visits such as Harris Museum and Fleetwood to look at sculptures and learn about using a variety of tools and techniques

Here is a flavour of some of our work in DT

Year 6 made and tasted honey cake as part of their topic on Romans.  

Year 4/5 have made passport covers using sewing skills and a range of fastening methods.