The Policy of this School is to work in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community. Therefore any person, including members of the public, can make a complaint. We try hard to do our best for all our pupils/students. Your views help us plan for the future. We like to know when things are going well. We also want parents/carers to tell us about their worries, concerns or complaints as soon as possible. It is much easier for the school to sort out a recent problem than something that happened some time ago.
For full details of our complaints procedure, please see our policy and associated documents below:
Complaints Policy and Procedures
Should a parent or carer have a concern about the special provision made for their child they should in the first instance discuss this with the class teacher. If the concern continues, then the SENDCo and class teacher will work together with the parents to solve the problem. If the Headteacher is unable to resolve the difficulty the parents’ concerns should be put in writing to the SEND Governor (Mrs Catherine Prince) c/o school.