Safeguarding is our first priority as a school - we fully recognise the contribution schools can make to protecting children from harm and promoting their physical, mental and emotional welfare, and wellbeing of pupils is at the forefront of all action taken. We are fortunate to develop strong relationships with our families and good communication within our staff team. We identify children who are in need of early help and work with outside agencies to offer support where necessary.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Vicki Clarke, and our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Noblet and Mrs Rourke.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in or witness to a domestic abuse, vulnerable child or missing incident.
Operation Encompass has been created to address such situations that create a safeguarding risk to young people. It is the implementation of key partnership working between the police and schools/colleges. The aim of sharing information with local schools/colleges is to allow ‘Key Adults’ the opportunity of engaging with the child and to provide access to support that allows them to remain in a safe but secure familiar environment.
Following the report of a domestic abuse, vulnerable child or missing incident, by 9.00am on the next school/college day the school’s Key Adult will be informed of the child or young person’s involvement. This knowledge, given to educational establishments through Operation Encompass, allows the provision of immediate early intervention through silent or overt support dependent upon the needs and wishes of the child/ young person.
The purpose and procedures in Operation Encompass have been shared with all parents and governors, is detailed as part of the school’s Safeguarding Policy and published on our school website.
You can find out more information by visiting the Operation Encompass website or by contacting the school’s Key Adult, Mrs Rourke.