We have an online payment system called ParentMail, which can be used make payments to school for a variety of things such as nursery fees, breakfast club fees, after school club fees, trips and school meals.  All parents receive a letter with full details about how to set up their account and support is always available from the school office.

In accordance with the Education Reform Act 1988, no charge can be made for activities during school time with the exception of musical instrument tuition.  However we may request voluntary contributions to cover the cost of a visit or activity. Parents who do not contribute will not be treated differently, but if there are not enough voluntary contributions to enable the event to go ahead, then the school reserves the right to cancel the activity.

Parents may be charged for visits outside school hours when they are not part of the National Curriculum or Religious Education. These activities provide children with valuable learning opportunities and experiences. Any educational visit or activity requires additional funding which cannot always be met by the school budget, so rather than curtail the number and quality of these events, parents may be asked for voluntary contributions.


Effective from 27th August 2020 there is a requirement for all maintained schools to publish specific financial information on their school website, including how many school employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000.

At Higher Walton CE Primary School there are no employees of the school who fall into this category.


Please click here to view our school’s financial benchmarking information.