5 December 2023
The following website pages have recently been updated:-
- Diary dates
- Newsletters
Previous updates:-
- Health information for parents added 29.8.24
- School term dates for 2024/25 and 2025/26 added 29.8.24
- Various school policies updated 15.7.24
- Added a link to Childcare funding to the finance section of key information 13.6.24
- PSHE and RSE policy and associated documents added to PSHE curriculum page 11.6.24
- School uniform - policy and uniform changes added to school uniform page 16.4.24
- Holidays in term time - information for parents added to term dates page 12.1.24
- Link to Stitch Design website order page added to school uniform page 12.1.24
- Diary dates for spring and summer terms added to news page 12.1.24
- Staff and PTFA - 5.12.23
- Ofsted inspection reports - 5.12.23
- Revised attendance policy - 15.12.23