Our vision for PSHE is to develop
- successful learners who achieve their potential in PSHE
- confident individuals who are physically and emotionally healthy, with high self-esteem and the ability to think and discuss freely
- responsible and spiritual citizens who show tolerance and respect, and appreciate diversity
- active engagement, drawing on appropriate outside expertise to enhance our PSHE curriculum
PHSE (including Relationships Education, and Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing) is part of every child’s broad, balanced curriculum, and contributes strongly to their all-round personal development. Our curriculum fulfils and goes beyond the requirements of the statutory framework 2020 for Relationships Education, and Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing. Our PSHE curriculum is taught as part of "Learning Means the World", our thematic curriculum mapped and planned effectively through a 2 year rolling programme. Our PHSE curriculum supports the behaviour and pastoral care systems in school.
The PHSE curriculum is further enriched with
- theme afternoons such as dementia awareness, anti-bullying, fiver challenge, cultural festivals and mindfulness which extend the planned PSHE provision
- visiting speakers/activity organisers such as NSPCC, First Kick Football, road safety team, community dentist, fire service, PCSO
- Commando Joes sessions building teamwork and character in a range of active "missions"
- picture news worship, promoting debate, understanding of British values, appreciation of national and global issues, and providing opportunity for leadership
- morning meetings to support mental well-being
A slideshow from our British Values theme day to celebrate St George's Day.