Our vision for Art and Design is to develop

  • successful learners who achieve their potential in Art and Design, create work, explore their ideas and record their experiences
  • confident individuals who are proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • responsible and spiritual citizens who know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art form
  • active engagement, drawing on appropriate outside expertise to enhance our Art and Design curriculum, including evaluating and analysing creative work using language of art, craft and design


Art and Design is part of a child’s broad, balanced curriculum, integral to the basic curriculum of the school and part of the child’s all-round development.  Our curriculum fulfils the requirements of the national curriculum in Art and Design, developing understanding of line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape and 3D form.  Through experiencing a variety of materials, tools and techniques, children have the opportunity to record creatively the world around them


The school’s long term curriculum map covers the National Curriculum programmes of study, providing a framework of objectives that build on previous learning and provides both support and challenge for learners. Art is part of our "Learning Means the World" thematic curriculum, mapped and planned effectively through a rolling 2 year cycle, linked to other curriculum subjects such as history, DT and ICT.   


Our art provision is further enriched by

  • whole school art projects and theme afternoons
  • visiting speakers/activity organisers such as wet felting and willow work
  • family workshops
  • links with the wider community, producing crafts to lift spirits in local care homes

Art progression


Here is a slideshow of Year 6's mask designs.