Our vision for maths is to develop
- successful learners who achieve their potential in maths developing fluency and reasoning skills
- confident individuals who are can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication
- responsible citizens who appreciate the value of money and financial choices
- active engagement, drawing on appropriate outside expertise to enhance our Maths curriculum
Maths is part of a child’s broad, balanced curriculum, integral to the basic curriculum of the school and part of the child’s all-round development. Our curriculum fulfils the requirements of the national curriculum in Maths, developing mastery within the subject. We aim to develop children’s fluency in quick and efficient recall of facts and the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of maths, and to ensure children can reason mathematically, following a line of enquiry and justifying their response using mathematical language
The school follows the White Rose Hub Primary Scheme , which identifies the key concepts and skills to be taught through topics with a focus upon fluency, reasoning and problem solving. The knowledge and skills in each unit of work are laid down in the White Rose Hub Primary Scheme which covers our overarching concepts of reasoning and problem solving, along with developing resilience and flexibility of thought.
Our provision is further enriched with
- theme days such as NSPCC Number Day which extends the planned maths provision,
- forest school activities linked to maths eg finding patterns in nature and counting, measuring
- enterprise activities where children work with profit and investment
- visitors (eg Wild Maths Outdoors)
- Sumdog maths competitions
Here is a slideshow showing Year 1/2 celebrating NSPCC number day in Forest School - they had great fun!